“Lord Jesus, come into my heart and wash me with your blood. Show me the sins I need to repent of and forgive me of them. Help me to never do them again. I turn from my old ways and turn to your ways Jesus. I put away the old man and put on the new man, that you created Jesus. Please forgive me of my sins and help me to live a sin free life Jesus! Jesus I need you in my life, I am not happy without you, and you give me real joy.
Guide my footsteps and put around me the people that need to be in my life. Take away the people that doesn’t need to be in my life Jesus. Use me for your glory Jesus and break the bandages of sin in my life. Purify me Lord Jesus, and wash me in your blood so I can live a new life in you.

I know your the Son of the Living God. The one true God and no one sees heaven but by you. You died on the cross for my sins so I can be washed from them and be free from the slavery of sin. Thank you for loving me that much.

I love you Jesus and thank u for saving me now. Thank you Jesus for washing me in your blood and freeing me from the sin that is in my life.
In your Holy name, In Jesus Name, Amen. “